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Dog Handler Awards at Fun Day

At our December Fun Day eight members were honoured for their achievements at the club over the 2019 club year.

Wally with Eva the black Labrador Retriever received the Best Male Handler Award.

Leonie with Maggie, a very regal Airedale was awarded the Best Female Handler Award.

Jamilla with Jazz, the little black Kelpie, was awarded the best Junior Handler.

Most improved Handler was awarded to Durai with Riley, a lovely Golden Retriever.

Encouragement awards were made to Pauline with Ollie, the French Bulldog; Nicholas with Miller, a German Shorthaired Pointer; Teigan with Bronte, a Staffy; and Michael with Bobo, a German Shepherd.

Huge congratulations to all of these members. Below are photos of Wally, Durai, Jamilla and Pauline.

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